
How Leslie Jones’ Olympic tweets expose the IOC’s terrible social media strategy | The Pitfalls of a Terrible Social Media Strategy: Lessons Learned

How Leslie Jones’ Olympic tweets expose the IOC’s terrible social media strategy | The Pitfalls of a Terrible Social Media Strategy: Lessons Learned

The Pitfalls of a Terrible Social Media Strategy: Lessons Learned

How Leslie Jones’ Olympic tweets expose the IOC’s terrible social media strategy



The Olympic Games serve as a global celebration of sport, bringing together athletes from around the world. With the rise of social media, platforms like Twitter have become a popular space for fans, athletes, and celebrities to engage in real-time conversations about the events. However, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has faced criticism for its inadequate social media strategy, which was evident during the 2016 Rio Olympics when comedian Leslie Jones’ tweets shed light on the organization’s shortcomings. This article explores how Jones’ Olympic tweets exposed the IOC’s flawed approach to social media and the lessons that can be learned from this incident.

Lack of Engagement:

During the Rio Olympics, Leslie Jones took to Twitter to share her enthusiasm and support for the athletes. Her live commentary and hilarious reactions gained widespread attention, and she quickly became a fan favorite. However, the IOC failed to recognize this opportunity for engagement, as they did not actively participate in or acknowledge Jones’ tweets. This lack of interaction highlighted a significant gap in the IOC’s social media strategy, as they missed the chance to engage with a high-profile figure and amplify the Olympic conversation.

Missed Brand Advocacy:

Jones’ tweets showcased her genuine enthusiasm for the Olympics and her role as a passionate fan. By not leveraging her platform and embracing her as a brand advocate, the IOC missed out on an organic opportunity to extend the reach of the Games. Influential individuals like Jones can help generate buzz, attract new audiences, and promote the Olympic values in a relatable and engaging manner. Failing to tap into these potential brand advocates reveals a shortcoming in the IOC’s understanding of social media’s power in shaping public perception.

Ignoring Cultural Relevance:

Jones’ tweets resonated with a wide audience, particularly with underrepresented communities who could see themselves reflected in her enthusiastic and unfiltered commentary. However, the IOC’s social media strategy did not prioritize diversity and inclusion, failing to leverage influencers who could connect with diverse communities and expand the Olympic movement’s cultural relevance. By overlooking the importance of representation, the IOC missed an opportunity to connect with new audiences and deepen engagement beyond traditional sports fans.

Lack of Real-Time Responsiveness:

The nature of social media is instantaneous, requiring organizations to be agile and responsive. Jones’ tweets received widespread attention and engagement, yet the IOC remained largely silent. This lack of real-time responsiveness showcased a disconnect between the organization and the evolving dynamics of social media. By not actively participating in the online conversation surrounding the Olympics, the IOC missed a chance to shape the narrative, address concerns, and reinforce the positive aspects of the Games.


Leslie Jones’ Olympic tweets brought to the forefront the shortcomings of the IOC’s social media strategy. The incident highlighted the need for the IOC to adapt and embrace social media as a powerful tool for engagement, brand advocacy, and cultural relevance. To succeed in the digital age, the IOC must prioritize active participation, leverage influential voices, foster diversity and inclusion, and demonstrate real-time responsiveness. By learning from this experience, the IOC can develop a stronger social media strategy that effectively engages audiences, promotes the Olympic values, and creates a memorable and inclusive experience for fans worldwide.

The Pitfalls of a Terrible Social Media Strategy: Lessons Learned

Introduction: In today’s digital age, social media has become a critical component of any organization’s marketing and communication efforts. However, a poorly executed social media strategy can have detrimental effects on an organization’s reputation and engagement with its target audience. This article explores the pitfalls of a terrible social media strategy and offers valuable lessons learned for organizations looking to avoid these pitfalls and create an effective social media presence.

  1. Lack of Consistency: Consistency is key in maintaining an engaging social media presence. A terrible social media strategy often involves sporadic posting, irregular updates, and a lack of a cohesive brand voice. This inconsistency creates confusion among followers and fails to establish a reliable and recognizable presence. Organizations must establish a consistent posting schedule, adhere to their brand guidelines, and deliver content that aligns with their target audience’s expectations.
  2. Ignoring Audience Engagement: Social media platforms provide an opportunity for organizations to directly engage with their audience. However, a terrible social media strategy overlooks this crucial aspect of social media marketing. Ignoring comments, failing to respond to inquiries, and neglecting to acknowledge user-generated content alienates followers and diminishes trust. Organizations must actively engage with their audience by responding to comments, addressing concerns, and fostering a sense of community.
  3. Lack of Content Strategy: A terrible social media strategy often lacks a well-defined content strategy. This results in inconsistent and irrelevant content that fails to resonate with the target audience. Organizations need to identify their target audience’s interests, pain points, and preferences to create compelling and valuable content. A solid content strategy ensures that posts are informative, entertaining, and align with the organization’s overall objectives.
  4. Overlooking Social Listening: Effective social media strategies include active social listening, which involves monitoring conversations and trends related to the organization or industry. A terrible social media strategy overlooks this vital aspect, missing out on valuable insights and failing to address customer concerns or industry developments. Organizations should invest in social listening tools and actively monitor social media channels to stay informed, respond appropriately, and adapt their strategy based on audience feedback.
  5. Insufficient Crisis Management: Social media crises can occur unexpectedly and escalate rapidly. A terrible social media strategy lacks a well-prepared crisis management plan, leaving organizations ill-equipped to handle negative situations effectively. It is crucial to have a crisis management protocol in place, including designated spokespersons, pre-approved responses, and a clear process for addressing and mitigating issues promptly.

Conclusion: A terrible social media strategy can have severe consequences for organizations, resulting in diminished brand reputation, decreased audience engagement, and missed opportunities for growth. By understanding and avoiding the pitfalls discussed in this article, organizations can develop an effective social media strategy that fosters audience engagement, builds brand trust, and enhances their overall online presence. Investing time and resources into crafting a well-defined social media strategy is essential in today’s digital landscape, as it enables organizations to connect with their audience, establish a strong brand identity, and capitalize on the numerous benefits social media has to offer.

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