Creativity techniques to find a business idea

Creativity Techniques to Find a Business Idea

Creativity techniques to find a business idea

Creativity Techniques to Find a Business Idea

Creativity techniques to find a business idea

Any business creator has the ability to generate new ideas as long as he leaves the usual framework of his references. Creativity techniques to find a business idea, this is an existing or accepted norms, habits, established rules, rationality represent significant brakes on creativity. Some so-called “creativity” techniques nevertheless make it possible to overcome this.

To carry out the initial process of finding ideas, it is necessary to resort to the technique of “brainstorming” which can be used alone or in the other processes of finding ideas briefly presented below.

1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a widely recognized technique for generating ideas. It involves gathering a group of individuals or engaging in solo brainstorming sessions to generate a large quantity of ideas without any judgment or evaluation. Here’s how you can leverage brainstorming to find a business idea:

The brainstorming technique consists – preferably with several people to be effective (5 participants minimum) – in spontaneously producing as many ideas as possible on a given subject:

  • without restraint,
  • without worrying at first about their realism,
  • and refraining from any criticism, any justification.

The principle is to give free rein to one’s thoughts and to seek the quantity of ideas rather than the quality. The most fanciful ideas are therefore welcome. You have to look for “associations”, improvements, combinations with previously expressed ideas.

The selection of ideas occurs later, during the validation phase (as part of the business creation methodology). Indeed, one cannot produce ideas and at the same time evaluate them.

From a practical point of view, if there are several participants, one of them plays the role of facilitator and writes down each idea put forward on a board, no matter how far-fetched, so that everyone world can permanently read what has been said. Participants must refrain from making interpretations, comments or justifications; criticism or self-criticism is prohibited!

To promote the profusion of ideas and that an emulation is established among the participants, the only words spoken must be the ideas expressed.

The facilitator, while remaining neutral, must make sure that he has understood the stated idea by writing it on the board. If necessary, after a while when the rate at which ideas are produced begins to drop, he must stimulate the group by giving everyone the floor in turn, with a simple sign.

Brainstorming is often done orally. A technique similar to writing, brainwriting consists of participants writing down their ideas on paper (or post-it©).

After a few minutes of reflection, each participant transmits his idea to his neighbour, who develops it from what is written, and so on.


Gather a diverse group of individuals who bring different perspectives and expertise to the table. Set a specific time limit and encourage everyone to freely share their ideas without any criticism or analysis. Capture all the ideas on a whiteboard or flipchart. After the session, review the ideas and identify potential business opportunities that align with your interests, skills, and market demands.

Unleashing Creativity and Collaboration: Exploring Gamestorming Techniques for Business | Play to Innovate!

2. The “Defectiveness” technique

The “Defectiveness” technique involves intentionally identifying flaws, problems, or gaps in existing products, services, or industries. By focusing on these deficiencies, you can discover opportunities for innovation and develop unique business ideas.

This technique consists in adopting a very critical attitude – generating ideas – by becoming aware of the dissatisfaction existing in the use of a product, in the use of a service, in the functioning of an institution, etc.

It must make it possible to seek to improve, to perfect to the extreme the subject studied.

This technique requires, beforehand, to use brainstorming to:

  • identify all the defects, drawbacks or weaknesses of a product or service,
  • classify them according to certain criteria,
  • then look for solutions to improve or remove these unsatisfactory elements.
Here’s how you can apply the “Defectiveness” technique:
Product appearance
  • Form
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Design
  • Range level
  • Impression or feeling given to the sight of the product…
  • Convenience (instructions, learning, ease of use, etc.)
  • Dangerousness
  • Solidity
  • Reuse, etc.
  • Efficiency: total satisfaction of the need?
  • Possibility of extending the satisfaction to the need upstream or downstream?
  • Possible and relevant combination with something else? Etc.
  • Correct format?
  • Suitable packaging?
  • Effective protection?
  • Packaging recycling? Etc.
  • Suitable distribution channel?
  • Well-chosen places of sale?
  • Schedule ?
  • Flexibility (ex: obligation of a subscription?)
  • Delays in obtaining or disposing of the product or service? Etc.
  • Appropriate cost?
  • Annuity supplier situation income?
  • Possible to reduce the price?
  • Pricing transparency and simplicity?
  • Other financial conditions? Etc.

Consequences of use

  • Maintenance
  • Guarantee
  • Pollution
  • Recycling
  • Waste problem
  • Consumables, etc
Other possible “defects” or “flaws”
  • Reliability
  • Need to have an installation / fixed source of energy / equipment, etc.)
  • Subject to regulation
  • Limitation of the offer to certain types of customers (democratization?)
  • Inability to retain the customer
  • Service that cannot be sold alone (dependent on a hardware, another service, etc.)
  • Deplorable image of the product / service
  • Sale limited to certain circles (lifestyle, morals, etc.)
  • Very inconvenient “indirect competitor” product
  • Inconsistency in the quality of service, etc.

Choose an industry or market segment that you are familiar with or passionate about. Analyze the existing products or services and identify their limitations or areas for improvement. Ask yourself questions like: “What is missing?”, “How can I solve a common problem in this industry?”, or “How can I offer a better solution?”. Use these insights to develop a business idea that addresses the identified shortcomings.

3. The “Crushing” technique

The “Crushing” technique involves combining two unrelated concepts or ideas to create a new and innovative business concept. By juxtaposing unrelated elements, you can spark fresh ideas and uncover unique opportunities.

It is a question of using a list of action verbs totally freeing the imagination in relation to the object or service studied.

Beforehand, a precise description of the object or service must be made, taking into account its technical, functional and sociological aspects.

We then apply the technique of “brainstorming” to seek ideas from the verbs: increase; lessen ; combine ; reverse; edit ; to raise awareness.

This association between a verb and a product/service promotes the emergence of an idea:

  • to improve this product or service,
  • substitute product or service.
Here’s how you can use the “Crushing” technique:
  • Increase weight, volume, dimensions
  • Increase the price, the duration of use
  • Make employment more frequent
  • Widen the use, generalize it
  • Increase significance, social reach
  • Add functions, accessories
  • Perfect, dress up, decorate
  • Give a name, a story
  • Increase qualities, reliability, beauty, convenience
Lessen (reduce)
  • Opposite operations to the previous ones
  • With an object fulfilling a function upstream
  • With an object performing a downstream function
  • With an object of a usual “neighborhood”
  • With an object that has no relation to the one studied
  • Overthrow, put the bottom up
  • Invert Structure
  • Reverse function hierarchy
  • Reverse use; Reverse functions
  • Take the timeline backwards
  • Realize the “anti-ambition”
  • Changing times and places of use
  • Change the use, change the user
  • Find another principle of solution
  • Change materials, shapes, colors
  • Make the product look like something else
  • Use something else for the same purpose
  • Use another source of energy
  • Make the object mobile or otherwise immobile
  • Modify each of the components
To raise awareness
  • Make it more pleasing to the eye (sight)
  • Make it more pleasant for the ear (hearing)
  • Make it more pleasant/attractive to the nose (smell)
  • Make it more pleasant for the hand (feel)

Select two unrelated industries or concepts and identify their key characteristics or elements. Explore how these elements can be combined to create something new and valuable. For instance, you could combine the convenience of e-commerce with sustainable practices to create an eco-friendly online marketplace. The key is to think beyond conventional boundaries and explore unexpected connections.

Finding a business idea that stands out in today’s competitive landscape requires creative thinking and exploration. By utilizing techniques such as brainstorming, the “Defectiveness” technique, and the “Crushing” technique, you can unlock your creativity and discover innovative business opportunities. Remember to embrace an open mindset, consider market demands, and leverage your unique strengths and interests to develop a business idea that aligns with your goals and has the potential for success.

Note: The examples provided are for illustrative purposes only. Actual business ideas should be thoroughly researched, validated, and developed based on market analysis and feasibility studies.

Find Your Business Idea | How to find them?

The best way to…

To achieve a goal, to carry out an achievement, there are often, in absolute terms, several possible means. The most usual, the most current, the most widespread is not always the best, far from it sometimes!
Here again, the weight of habits, the apprehension to question what “already works”, the fear of ridicule, the fear of shocking can annihilate our inventiveness.

A very simple method of creativity consists, to get out of this condition, to:
  • take on a problem, a need observed or felt to be poorly satisfied by the market,
  • ask yourself, about it, simply the question: What would be the best way to ….?
  • classify these solutions and select some of them according to their presumption of realism and feasibility. This technique allows you to temporarily free yourself from any constraint by reasoning in the absolute when faced with a need to be satisfied.
  • search for as many possible and imaginable solutions as possible by using the technique of brainstorming.

The Discovery Matrix

In the pursuit of finding innovative business ideas, entrepreneurs often seek methods that can ignite their creativity and uncover unique opportunities. One such powerful tool is the Discovery Matrix, a structured approach that encourages exploring various dimensions to generate new business concepts. In this article, we will dive into the Discovery Matrix and discover how it can help you uncover exciting business ideas.

Understanding the Discovery Matrix: The Discovery Matrix is a visual framework that consists of intersecting categories or dimensions, creating a matrix of possibilities. By exploring different elements within each category and combining them, you can generate fresh and innovative business ideas.

Let’s delve into the different dimensions of the Discovery Matrix:

  1. Market Dimension: The market dimension focuses on understanding different market segments, industries, and customer needs. Consider various markets and target audiences to identify potential gaps, emerging trends, or underserved niches.
  2. Technology Dimension: The technology dimension involves exploring different technologies, tools, or advancements that can be leveraged in your business idea. Look for emerging technologies, innovations, or existing technologies that can be applied in new ways.
  3. Product/Service Dimension: The product/service dimension revolves around developing unique offerings that address market needs. Consider different types of products or services, features, functionalities, or customization options that can set your business apart.
  4. Business Model Dimension: The business model dimension entails exploring various approaches to generate revenue, deliver value, and establish a sustainable venture. Investigate different business models, such as subscription-based, freemium, or marketplace models, and identify how they align with your business idea.

Using the Discovery Matrix: To utilize the Discovery Matrix effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Categories: Create a matrix by labeling each dimension/category: Market, Technology, Product/Service, and Business Model.
  2. Explore Each Dimension: Within each dimension, conduct research and brainstorm ideas. Generate a list of possibilities, considering various elements and attributes relevant to each dimension.
  3. Combine Elements: Start combining elements from different dimensions. Look for intersections or overlaps where unique business ideas emerge. Encourage cross-pollination of ideas by combining unexpected elements.
  4. Evaluate and Refine: Assess the feasibility, market potential, and alignment of the generated ideas. Refine and prioritize them based on their viability and your own criteria.

Let’s consider an example using the Discovery Matrix: A market dimension exploration reveals a growing interest in eco-friendly lifestyle products. In the technology dimension, renewable energy solutions stand out. Combining these two elements, you could create a business idea for an online marketplace specializing in eco-friendly products powered by renewable energy sources.

This double-entry table makes it possible to confront, to combine, to bring together elements which apparently were not called upon to coexist. Thus, by carrying out forced encounters, new ideas can be born.


Professional skill 1

Professional skill 2

Professional skill 3

Extra-professional know-how
Difficulty observed
Deficiency noted
Problem experienced
Personal desire
To use this technique, you must first practice:
  • observation: whether it is the observation of daily life (identification of difficulties or anomalies in everyday life), observation of one’s professional environment (identification of deficiencies or malfunctions in the “production chain” where we are without there being a solution offered by the market) general observation (everything that does not come under the first two forms of observation).
  • the reflection on his “personal project of creator”: highlighting his motivations and his personal objectives.

The Discovery Matrix is a powerful tool that can spark innovation and generate exciting business ideas. By systematically exploring different dimensions, such as market, technology, product/service, and business model, you can uncover unique intersections and develop concepts that stand out in the market. Embrace creativity, think beyond conventional boundaries, and leverage the potential of the Discovery Matrix to embark on your entrepreneurial journey.

Note: The examples provided within the Discovery Matrix are for illustrative purposes only. It is essential to conduct thorough research, market analysis, and feasibility studies to validate and develop any business ideas generated through this process.

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Exploring Creativity Techniques for Finding a Business Idea in the Consumer Space

In the dynamic world of business, finding innovative ideas that resonate with consumers is crucial for success. To uncover promising opportunities in the consumer space, entrepreneurs can utilize various creativity techniques. In this article, we will explore three effective techniques: Mind Mapping, Focus Groups, and Discussion Groups. By harnessing these approaches, you can gain valuable insights, generate fresh ideas, and identify consumer-centric business concepts.

Consumer space

Consumer space refers to the environment or marketplace where consumers interact with products, services, and brands. It encompasses various touchpoints and interactions that occur during the consumer journey, including the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase stages. Understanding the consumer space is essential for businesses as it allows them to identify consumer behaviors, preferences, and needs to develop effective marketing strategies and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

To find new ideas for products or services, one can also use a table called “Consumer space”. This tool makes it possible to define an existing and salable product or service according to all its commercial criteria.

Modifying one of the parameters can then give rise to:

  • a new product or a new activity,
  • to a product or service modified to adapt it to another market.

For example, many products for adults have been adapted to reach the children’s market (eg: electronic game console for toddlers, from 18 months).

This technique can only be used from an existing activity or product.

Existing product or service

People / users
  • baby / child
  • teenager
  • adult / elderly person
  • active/retired…
  • male/female, etc.
  • safety / health
  • hygiene / calm
  • time saving
  • information
  • profitability
  • convenience / comfort
  • novelty, etc.
  • professional
  • servants
  • relaxation / leisure
  • rest
  • giving food supply
  • culture
  • sport
  • travel, etc.
  • un moment précis
  • moment du jour
  • moment de la nuit
  • jour de la semaine
  • mois
  • saisons, etc.
Venue (place)
  • public place
  • housing area
  • traffic
  • ride
  • work
  • garden
  • resort, etc

To effectively navigate the consumer space, businesses should:

  1. Conduct Market Research: Gain insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competitors to understand the dynamics of the consumer space. This research can involve surveys, focus groups, data analysis, and monitoring of online conversations.
  2. Develop a Customer-Centric Approach: Place the consumer at the center of business strategies and decision-making. Tailor products, services, and marketing efforts to meet their needs, preferences, and expectations.
  3. Create a Seamless Omni-Channel Experience: Integrate various channels and touchpoints to provide a consistent and cohesive experience across online and offline platforms. This includes ensuring a seamless transition between browsing, purchasing, and receiving support.
  4. Personalize Communication and Offers: Utilize consumer data and insights to deliver personalized and targeted messaging, offers, and recommendations. This helps establish a deeper connection and increases the chances of conversion and loyalty.
  5. Foster Engagement and Interaction: Encourage consumers to actively engage with your brand through social media, reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content. Create opportunities for feedback and dialogue to build trust and loyalty.

Example: In the consumer space, a clothing retailer operates both physical stores and an e-commerce website. They have a strong online presence through social media platforms where they showcase their latest collections, share fashion tips, and engage with their audience. Their website offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing customers to browse products, read reviews, and make purchases. In-store, they provide personalized styling advice, organize fashion events, and offer loyalty programs to enhance the shopping experience. By understanding the consumer space and catering to the needs and preferences of their target audience, the retailer creates a seamless and engaging environment that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Mind mapping (visual technique)

Mind mapping or cognitive map or mental map or even map of ideas is a diagram, supposed to reflect the functioning of thought, which makes it possible to visually represent and follow the associative path of thought.

It is a creativity technique to be carried out in a group (from 5 to 7 people). It aims to represent a temporary hierarchy of an object or concept, in the form of several trees.
The objective of this technique is to bring out the greatest number of ideas and then to structure them to generate an idea of ​​creation.

Mind Mapping is a visual technique that allows you to brainstorm and organize ideas around a central theme. Here’s how you can use Mind Mapping to find a business idea in the consumer space:

  • Use a large sheet of paper or a flipchart, pencils or markers of different colors.
  • Start with a central concept related to consumer needs or preferences.
  • Radiate branches from the central concept, representing different aspects of consumer behavior, demographics, or interests.
  • Explore each branch further, adding sub-branches with specific consumer insights, trends, or pain points.
  • Look for connections, patterns, and opportunities among the branches to identify potential business ideas.

Example: Let’s say the central concept is “healthy snacking.” Branches could include consumer demographics, snack preferences, dietary restrictions, and emerging health trends. Through Mind Mapping, you might discover a business idea for a subscription-based service that delivers nutritious and personalized snack boxes to health-conscious consumers.

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Focus Groups

The focus group allows new ideas to emerge by involving a group of consumers or customers in a qualitative study.

Focus Groups involve gathering a small group of individuals to discuss their opinions, perceptions, and experiences related to a specific topic.

This technique is particularly useful for collecting consumer expectations and thus making a product, tool or process more attractive for sale. It can also identify a new need.

To create a group dynamic, it will be necessary to bring together 5 to 10 people with homogeneous profiles, in order to explore and stimulate the different points of view through discussion.

To implement a focus group:
  • Prepare your themes and your questions beforehand in the form of an interview guide,
  • Promote collaborative and constructive exchanges,
  • Make sure during the workshop that everyone can express themselves as they see fit, by giving the floor and reframing the debates when necessary,
  • Collect and analyze data.
Here’s how Focus Groups can help you generate consumer-focused business ideas:
  • Define the target audience for your business idea and recruit participants who fit that profile.
  • Structure the discussion around relevant topics, allowing participants to share their thoughts, desires, and pain points.
  • Facilitate open-ended conversations, encouraging participants to express their opinions and ideas freely.
  • Listen actively, take notes, and probe deeper to uncover valuable insights and identify unmet consumer needs.

Example: Suppose you’re interested in creating a mobile app for personal finance management. Conducting a Focus Group with young professionals can provide insights into their financial challenges, desired app features, and preferences for budgeting and expense tracking. This feedback can guide the development of a consumer-centric app that addresses their specific needs.

How to structure and conduct effective Focus Groups?

Structuring and conducting effective Focus Groups can provide valuable insights and feedback from a diverse group of participants. Here are some key steps to help you plan and facilitate a successful Focus Group:

  1. Define the Purpose and Objectives: Clearly articulate the purpose of the Focus Group. Determine the specific research objectives and what you aim to achieve through the session. Is it to gather feedback on a new product or service, explore consumer preferences, or generate ideas for improvement? Having a clear focus will guide the discussion and ensure the desired outcomes.
  2. Identify the Target Participants: Define the target audience for your Focus Group based on your research objectives. Consider demographic factors such as age, gender, occupation, or specific consumer segments relevant to your business. Recruiting a diverse group of participants will provide varied perspectives and insights.
  3. Develop a Discussion Guide: Create a structured discussion guide that outlines the key topics, questions, or stimuli you want to cover during the Focus Group. The guide should be flexible enough to allow for organic conversation while ensuring that important areas are addressed. Sequence the questions logically to facilitate a smooth flow of discussion.
  4. Choose the Right Environment: Select a suitable venue for the Focus Group that is comfortable, private, and conducive to open discussions. Ensure that the physical space and seating arrangement promote interaction among participants. Consider using audio or video recording equipment to capture the session for later analysis.
  5. Facilitate the Discussion: As the moderator, your role is crucial in facilitating an engaging and productive discussion. Here are some tips:
  • Create a welcoming atmosphere: Begin the session by introducing yourself and providing a brief overview of the purpose and guidelines. Make participants feel comfortable and encourage open communication.
  • Encourage participation: Allow each participant to share their thoughts and experiences. Use active listening techniques to show genuine interest in their responses. Ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into their insights.
  • Manage group dynamics: Ensure that all participants have an opportunity to speak and that no one dominates the conversation. Handle any conflicts or disruptive behavior tactfully to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment.
  • Stay on track: Keep the discussion focused on the predefined topics and guide the conversation to cover all relevant areas within the allocated time. Use probing questions to encourage participants to express their opinions and generate detailed responses.
  1. Analyze and Interpret Findings: After the Focus Group session, transcribe or review the recorded discussions. Analyze the responses, identifying common themes, patterns, and emerging insights. Look for connections, contradictions, or unexpected perspectives that can inform decision-making or further research.

Example: Suppose you are developing a new mobile app for fitness enthusiasts. In a Focus Group session, you invite active gym-goers, runners, and individuals interested in health and wellness. Through guided discussions, you explore their preferences for workout tracking, social interaction features, and motivational tools. Participants provide feedback on the app’s user interface, functionality, and potential improvements. These insights can help you refine your app’s features, enhance user experience, and align it better with the target audience’s needs.

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Discussion Groups

Similar to Focus Groups, Discussion Groups involve gathering individuals to discuss a particular topic.

When it comes to discovering innovative business ideas, understanding the needs and desires of your target audience is crucial. Discussion Groups offer a dynamic platform to engage with a diverse group of individuals, facilitating open conversations and collective insights.

However, Discussion Groups typically involve a larger number of participants and a more interactive format.

Here’s how you can use Discussion Groups to generate business ideas in the consumer space:
  • Identify a diverse group of individuals who represent your target market or consumer segment.
  • Pose thought-provoking questions and encourage participants to share their perspectives, experiences, and ideas.
  • Create an open and inclusive environment that fosters active participation and collaboration.
  • Capture key insights, trends, and suggestions that emerge during the discussion for further analysis.

Example: Let’s imagine you’re considering starting a subscription-based clothing rental service. Hosting a Discussion Group with fashion enthusiasts can help you understand their preferences, challenges, and motivations related to renting clothes. This knowledge can shape your business model, inventory selection, and marketing strategies to cater to the needs of your target consumers.

How to structure and conduct effective Discussion Groups?

We will explore how to structure and conduct effective Discussion Groups, along with examples of how they can inspire entrepreneurial innovation.

  1. Designing the Discussion Group

    Creating a successful Discussion Group requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key steps to design an effective session:

  • Define the purpose: Clearly articulate the objective of the Discussion Group. Is it to explore consumer preferences, gather feedback on existing products, or identify unmet needs? Having a specific focus will guide the discussion.
  • Determine the participant profile: Identify the target audience or consumer segment you want to engage with. Ensure diversity within the group to capture a range of perspectives and experiences.
  • Set the agenda and questions: Prepare a structured agenda with a series of open-ended questions or topics for discussion. These should encourage participants to share their insights, ideas, and opinions freely.
  1. Conducting the Discussion Group

    Running a productive and engaging Discussion Group involves creating an inclusive environment that encourages participants to actively contribute. Consider the following tips:

  • Facilitate open dialogue: Establish an atmosphere where participants feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions. Encourage active listening and respectful interactions among the group members.
  • Ask probing questions: Pose thought-provoking questions that delve deeper into consumer behavior, preferences, challenges, and aspirations. Encourage participants to share personal anecdotes or experiences that shed light on their perspectives.
  • Foster collaboration: Encourage participants to build upon each other’s ideas, share suggestions, and provide feedback. Emphasize the value of collective brainstorming and collaboration in generating innovative solutions.
  1. Extracting Insights and Ideas

    The success of a Discussion Group lies in the valuable insights and ideas that emerge from the discussion. Consider the following techniques to extract meaningful information:

  • Active note-taking: Assign a facilitator or note-taker to capture key points, interesting observations, and notable quotes during the discussion. These notes will serve as a valuable reference for analysis and idea generation.
  • Identify patterns and trends: Analyze the collective input from the Discussion Group to identify recurring themes, common challenges, emerging trends, and unmet needs. Look for patterns that can serve as inspiration for new business ideas.
  • Synthesize and prioritize: Organize the insights and ideas into meaningful categories. Prioritize the most promising concepts that align with your business objectives and have the potential for market viability.

Example: Suppose you are a technology startup exploring opportunities in the smart home industry. You conduct a Discussion Group with homeowners who have expressed interest in home automation. Through lively conversations, you gather insights about their pain points, desires for energy efficiency, concerns about security, and preferences for seamless integration. These insights can inspire innovative business ideas, such as developing an all-in-one smart home hub that addresses security concerns, conserves energy, and simplifies the management of various devices.

To help you, use: Find Your Business Idea | How to find them?

Photo credit: Myriams-Fotos via Pixabay

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