How to make email messages that have an impact

How to make email messages that have an impact on your target?

How to make email messages that have an impact

How to make email messages that have an impact on your target?

How to make email messages that have an impact on your target?

Have you ever wanted to grab your computer and manually select the person(s) you want to talk to? Or wanted to get in touch personally with a new visitor to your site? How to make email messages that have an impact?

Targeted messages are one of the components of a successful transactional model of communication.

1. Include essential elements to generate interest in your messages

The subject line should draw attention to your email. The recommended length is 50 characters. Evoking a current topic or integrating emojis (small image representing an emotion) are good practices, conversely using generic titles (Urgent need, Subscribe, Free for you…) can classify your message in the mails junk or spam.
Consult a list of words to avoid in the subject of your emailings (unarticlepourleweb.fr).

The sending address must reassure with a personalized name associated with the name of your company, personalization generates a greater number of openings of emails.

The summary of your email that appears under the subject must be interesting enough to encourage its opening, the most important information must be placed at the very beginning of the message.

Methods to Collect More Emails | The Unstoppable Techniques

2. Create engaging content

The content and form of your message must be adapted to your target and your objectives: a simple message will be suitable for an order confirmation email, finding a balance between texts and images will be necessary to encourage the reading of a Information letter.

Discover 50 design newsletter templates to inspire you (canva.com).

Do not say too much, it is better to “arouse the curiosity” of the reader to encourage him to click on the links that you integrate into your email. Make reading easier by highlighting the most important information: words in bold, bulleted lists, etc.

Business expressions writing email in English: Powerful Email Closings to Impress Clients and Colleagues

3. Opt for a positive tone and a neat design.

Integrating a video into a message generates a better open rate: find out how and why to send a video by email (GetResponse.com).

Incentive click and action buttons, the most effective way to achieve your goals
Add a click or action incentive button (called CTA for Call-To-Action), meeting your priority objective: redirection to your website, to a specific promotional page, to your social networks, registration for a event, webinar, etc.

Emails with a priority objective, and therefore a single action button, perform better than those offering several redirects. Some tips :

  • Place your preference action button at the top of your message, it is a very visible visual link, in a color contrasting with the rest of the message, which aims to make this priority action to your prospect.
  • Choose action verbs for the text of your button: I discover, I subscribe, I go, Download, Contact…
    Pay particular attention to the landing page (also called landing page) on which the recipient arrives after clicking on your action button.

List of forbidden words in the subject of your emails

Photo credit: geralt via Pixabay

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