Interview trick questions

Interview Trick Questions and Their Correct Answers | The Most Common Job Q and A

Interview trick questions

Interview Trick Questions and Their Correct Answers | The Most Common Job Q and A

Interview Trick Questions

The job interview is a must for anyone who wants to get a job. Here are the most common interview trick questions and answers for you to use.

The job interview is a must for anyone who wants to get a job! Of course, it is better to be well prepared to face the recruiter during this interview. While there are classic questions relating to the position or the recruiting structure, others are more unexpected.

The famous trick questions, we are never quite prepared for them! What are the most common trick questions? We offer you here an anthology of these sometimes surprising questions, with some advice to answer them well.

The most common trick questions in interviews “the famous interview trick questions and their answers”

Many candidates have been left speechless when faced with the trap question of recruiters during a job interview. If you have to pass this famous job interview soon, do not panic.

We will first offer you a list of the most frequently asked trick questions and advice on how to approach them properly… and answer them as best as possible!

Here are some of the interview trick questions and our tips for successfully avoiding them on the day of the recruitment interview!

What are your salary expectations?

This question is tricky because you don’t want to price yourself out of the job or undervalue your skills. Do your research ahead of time to determine a reasonable salary range for your experience and industry.

A good answer might be: “Based on my research, I believe a salary range of $X to $Y would be appropriate for my experience and the requirements of this position. However, I’m open to discussing this further and am willing to negotiate based on the overall compensation package.

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Why do you want to leave your current job?

This question can be tricky because you don’t want to speak poorly about your current employer or coworkers. Instead, focus on your career goals and how the new position aligns with them.

A good answer might be: “While I’ve enjoyed my time at my current company, I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow. This position caught my eye because it aligns with my career goals and would allow me to work on innovative projects with a talented team.

How do you handle a difficult coworker or manager?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to demonstrate your ability to handle conflict in a professional manner. You want to show that you’re a team player who is able to navigate difficult situations with tact and diplomacy.

A good answer might be: When working with a difficult coworker or manager, I always try to approach the situation with empathy and an open mind. I listen to their concerns and work to find common ground. If the situation becomes contentious, I will escalate the issue to a higher authority or HR to ensure that it is resolved in a fair and equitable manner.

How do you handle pressure or tight deadlines?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to demonstrate your ability to work under stressful conditions while still producing high-quality work. You want to show that you’re adaptable and able to prioritize tasks effectively.

A good answer might be: When faced with pressure or tight deadlines, I try to stay focused and organized by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. I also prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, and I’m not afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks when necessary. Additionally, I try to maintain open communication with my team and stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page and we’re able to deliver work that meets or exceeds expectations.

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Can you tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to demonstrate your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You want to show that you’re able to make tough choices and that you have a clear rationale for your decision-making process.

A good answer might be: In a previous role, I had to make a difficult decision about whether to continue pursuing a project that was behind schedule and over budget. After weighing the risks and benefits, I decided to cancel the project and reallocate resources to other initiatives. While it was a tough call to make, I believed it was in the best interest of the company and would ultimately lead to better outcomes in the long run.

Why should we hire you over other candidates?

This question is tricky because it requires you to sell yourself while also acknowledging the qualifications of other candidates. You want to demonstrate your unique skills and experience while showing how they align with the needs of the company.

A good answer might be: I believe I’m the best fit for this position because of my experience in [specific skill or industry], my strong communication and collaboration skills, and my passion for [specific aspect of the job]. Additionally, I’m excited about the potential to contribute to [specific project or goal] at this company and am committed to delivering high-quality work.

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Why should I choose you?

This question is direct and provides an opportunity to highlight skills.
This question implies that you correspond to the selection criteria, it is used to check your good understanding of the issues and missions of this position. It is therefore important to be factual about the prerequisites and the associated skills, while highlighting your ability to adapt.

It allows the recruiter to better understand how your qualities are beneficial for the company.

An example of an answer to the question “Why you are the ideal candidate” would be: “I am the ideal candidate because I can use my network or my marketing knowledge for company X. Indeed, during my last professional experience, I allowed company Y to enter a new market with its products. Of course, the answer to this question must be adapted according to the missions that are listed in the job description and your own experience!

The idea is to stand out from other candidates by promoting your know-how, your expertise and highlighting your qualities to your interlocutor. Don’t forget that the recruiter’s questions are not intended to trap you but to measure the match between your profile and an open position in an organization. Demonstrating your motivation is key, but you may just not be the right person for the role you are applying for.

Example #1

“You mentioned that you were looking for someone who can manage a team of several people and who is very comfortable with social networks. I had the opportunity to do several internships as a community manager and to work in a team. I always try to listen to the people around me to find out what they need and respond exactly to what they are looking for.

In my previous roles, I was able to motivate my colleagues to achieve their goals. I also have a strong background in social media marketing. Last year, I helped launch a huge advertising campaign that increased our Instagram followers by 200%. »

Why is this a good answer?

The candidate did not hesitate to provide details and factual information. He also gave examples with figures that will allow the employer to better visualize his contribution within the company.

Example 2

The job description highlights the fact that you are looking for someone with strong communication skills and comfort with customers. In my previous roles, I worked with many well-known companies. I managed to retain them over the long term.

I believe that, in a job like mine, communication is the key to success. I make sure to always be available and transparent with my clients. If I am accepted for this position, I will not hesitate to use my network to contribute to the development of your company.

Why is this a good answer?

This response not only details the main strengths of the candidate, but also gives an overview of his ability to retain customers. It also indicates how its connections can bring even more value to the company.

Example #3

I have no doubt that you have received several highly qualified applications. And, while I’m far from perfect, I believe that with my skills and determination, I will far exceed your expectations for this role, not only because I have a proven track record in sales and marketing strategy, but also because I have strong interpersonal skills.

My former manager even asked me to give presentations to the whole company on how best to be personable and build a strong connection with customers, in order to make our services more attractive.

Why is this a good answer?

The candidate showed modesty and acknowledged that several other candidates are qualified for the position. However, she goes on to explain that her main asset is her emotional intelligence, which happens to be one of the most important skills sought by employers today. She also provided concrete examples to support her remarks.

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What is your greatest professional achievement?

This question can be tricky because you don’t want to come across as arrogant or boastful. At the same time, you want to highlight your accomplishments and demonstrate your value as a candidate.

A good answer might be: One of my greatest professional achievements was leading a cross-functional team to implement a new CRM system. This project required extensive coordination and communication across multiple departments, and I was able to successfully navigate challenges and deliver the project on time and under budget. As a result, our team saw a 20% increase in sales productivity and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.

Can you tell me about yourself?

Vast question which requires a precise and concise answer while remaining on professional skills and human qualities. Better not to scatter.

The famous “Tell me about yourself” can give cold sweats to the most seasoned candidates, because the temptation is great to talk about yourself and not about your self-professional. Yet when employers ask this question, they usually want to know more about you as a professional, not necessarily your best marathon time.

Indeed, they try to determine how the candidates perceive themselves in relation to the position and with what confidence they can communicate their skills. To answer while standing out, follow the guide to prepare this question for the job interview.

Tell me about yourself…

This question may seem simple, but it’s actually quite tricky because it’s so open-ended. Many job candidates end up rambling or sharing irrelevant information. The key to answering this question effectively is to strike a balance between being personal and professional.

A good answer might be: “I’m a highly motivated individual with a passion for problem-solving. In my current role, I’ve been able to help my team improve productivity by implementing new systems and processes. Outside of work, I enjoy volunteering at my local animal shelter and practicing yoga.”

What is your biggest flaw?

Here, recruiters are actually trying to disguise a quality under a defect. For example, answering “I am too much of a perfectionist” will imply “I am conscientious”, which is no longer a fault!

What is your greatest weakness?

This is one of the interview trick questions. Stay modest. We all have weaknesses, and it’s okay to mention some aspect of your skills that needs improvement. But to turn the situation in your favor, share how you worked on one of your weaknesses and how you turned it into a strength. If you manage to link this strength to one of the skills sought for the position you are applying for, even better!

1st answer

Answer: “I pay attention to the smallest detail. If that means my work is always of high quality, I don’t want my team to feel micro-managed. That’s why, in my last job, after integrating time management and productivity strategies, I asked each employee to establish their own weekly to-do list. Since then, they are more empowered and autonomous and my perfectionism no longer takes precedence over efficiency.

2nd answer

A good answer might be: One of my greatest weaknesses is that I tend to be overly detail-oriented, which can sometimes lead me to get bogged down in minor tasks and lose sight of the big picture. However, I’m working to improve my ability to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities to my team members so that I can be more effective in my role.

What are your weaknesses?

This question is tricky because you don’t want to give the impression that you’re not qualified for the job. However, you also don’t want to come across as overconfident or arrogant. A good approach is to choose a weakness that is not critical to the job and explain how you’re working to overcome it.

A good answer might be: One weakness I’ve identified is my public speaking skills. However, I’ve been taking classes and working with a coach to improve. I’ve also been practicing by volunteering to lead team meetings and presentations.

How do you handle conflict in the workplace?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to demonstrate your ability to navigate difficult situations while maintaining professionalism and respect for others.

A good answer might be: “When conflicts arise, I always strive to remain calm and objective. I listen to all parties involved and work to find a resolution that is fair and equitable. If necessary, I will bring in a mediator or manager to help facilitate the conversation.

How do you handle constructive feedback or criticism?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to demonstrate your ability to receive feedback and incorporate it into your work without becoming defensive or emotional. You want to show that you’re receptive to feedback and committed to continuous improvement.

A good answer might be: I view constructive feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow, and I always try to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to improve. I appreciate when my colleagues or superiors take the time to provide feedback, as it helps me understand where I can improve and be more effective in my role. I take the feedback to heart and use it to make adjustments to my work moving forward.

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Why do you want to work here?

This is one of the interview trick questions. To answer this question, go through the job description, the company’s website, the company profile pages, as well as its social networks or the press to find information about it before the interview. Often employers ask this question to make sure you have thought it through before making the decision to apply to them. Be enthusiastic, talk about the values of the company, its flagship products or even its culture. You can also develop your interest in the specific position you are applying for.

1st answer

Answer: From the start, I decided to focus my research on company profiles that focus on innovation, agility and new technologies. Your company naturally emerged as a pioneer in this area. I also like the transversal approach adopted by your teams and I think that my skills will be used to their fullest. I believe that this position, in particular, will provide me with the opportunity to contribute to the innovation objectives of the company as a whole.

2nd answer

A good answer might be: I’m impressed by the company’s commitment to [specific aspect of the business or industry], and I believe that the work you’re doing is making a real difference in the lives of your customers or clients. I’m excited about the potential to contribute my skills and expertise to the team and to be a part of a company that is dedicated to delivering high-quality work and driving meaningful change.

How do you define success?

Recruiters want insight into your priorities: Are you motivated by generous compensation? Being able to meet challenges? Or are you drawn to pro-life balance? Do you view success as personal or group/company success? This question is a minefield, because the notion of “success” is very subjective. For such broad questions, try to keep your answers incontrovertible, even harmless.

Answer: “For me, success means putting my skills (hard-skills, teamwork, empathy, soft-skills) and my business expertise at the service of the strategic objectives established for the brand”.

Why were you fired or left your last job?

This question can trigger an emotional reaction in you, even if you prepare for it, so it’s important to be careful, honest, and brief. Recruiters want to know how you hold up under pressure in stressful circumstances such as job loss or long-term unemployment. Be careful, here, speaking ill of your former employer is something you want to avoid at all costs during the recruitment process.

Responses: “Being fired turned out to be a blessing. I now have the opportunity to explore positions that better match my skills and interests. The job didn’t suit me, so my former employer and I felt it was time for me to move on to another position. I am therefore available and ready to start working.


My position has been relocated. I escaped several restructurings, but I was part of the last burst of redundancies. My work has always been appreciated by my managers. I am ready to start again on new bases within your company.

Where do you see yourself in 5, ten years?

Through this question, the recruiter tests your ability to project yourself. It also gauges your ambitions, based on your career path.

To respond effectively, make the connection between your past experiences, the position sought and the economic context.

Behind this question, we gauge whether the person has structured their career plan a little, this can also be used to defuse the interview and gather a more spontaneous expression.

Example of answer n°1 for the interview trick questions

“I have always been passionate about new technologies. From a very young age, innovation has been a field that has made sense to me and has led me to study engineering in the field of aeronautics. The position you are offering is a perfect continuation of my end-of-studies internship and, like former students of my school who work here, I aspire to acquire new skills and evolve within of your company.

Example of answer n°2

“Your question is very interesting, and I asked it myself before applying for this position. Your business makes double sense to me.

On the one hand, because it offers interesting development opportunities and a pleasant working atmosphere, as evidenced by your Glassdoor page. And on the other hand, your company’s strong commitment to respecting the environment echoes my various associative implications.

All this associated with the variety of tasks that you offer for this position, you will understand my real enthusiasm at the idea of pursuing my career within your company. »

Sample answer #3

As you know, many young candidates have an entrepreneurial spirit, and I am one of them. Joining your intrapreneurship unit would be an opportunity for me to develop projects and realize my entrepreneurial dream, relying on the cutting-edge technologies in which your Group excels. My 5-year ambition would be to develop a project that can create new business opportunities for your company. It would be a real source of satisfaction and professional fulfillment for me.

Sample answer #4

In five years, I hope to have well developed my strategic analysis and my qualities as a manager”, for example.

Sample answer #5

I want to continue to grow professionally within a solid company, use my various skills in managing priorities and organizing work as an executive assistant and eventually take on more responsibilities.

In summary, it is not easy to project yourself as far ahead as 5 years. However, if the recruiter asks you, it is because he needs to be reassured about the consistency of your career and your ability to project yourself on the missions that will be entrusted to you.

Finding out about the company, identifying the development opportunities it offers and discovering its values that are common to yours is the best way to perform in interviews and inspire confidence in your interviewer.

What are your long-term career goals?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to balance your personal aspirations with the needs of the company. You want to demonstrate that you’re ambitious and have a clear vision for your career while also showing how this job fits into that vision.

A good answer might be: My long-term career goal is to become a [specific role or position], and I believe this position will provide me with the skills and experience necessary to achieve that goal. Additionally, I’m excited about the potential to contribute to the growth and success of this company and am committed to developing my skills and expertise to help achieve our shared goals.

Can you tell me about a time when you failed and how you responded?

This question can be tricky because it requires you to demonstrate your ability to learn from mistakes and grow from failure. You want to show that you’re resilient and able to handle setbacks with grace and humility.

A good answer might be: In a previous role, I was tasked with leading a project that ultimately fell short of its goals. While initially disappointed, I took the opportunity to reflect on what went wrong and how I could improve in the future. I solicited feedback from my team and worked to implement changes to our processes and communication strategies. As a result, we were able to deliver successful projects in the future.

Do you have any questions for me?

The final question (and trap) par excellence! And this question begs… questions. It is essential to have a few factual and practical questions in mind so that you can ask them at the end of the interview, and thus show your interest in the position and the structure.
A professional stamp intended for in-house use does not require all of this information.

With this last question of the job interview, we test your curiosity. Remember to prepare a concluding question. If you don’t have one, ask these popular questions:

“What’s the next step in recruiting?” When will I be contacted again?

Show that you are seen as a motivated person and this is how you will handle some of the interview trick questions.

This is also the time to address the question of your availability, possibly to discuss other appointments with other employers… Just to make you want to be selected for this job.

The candidate is also expected to seek out more information about taking up the position, the department she is going to join… For example, she may wonder “why the person she is going to replace has left.

Photo credit: Russell_Clark via Pixabay

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