Web marketing

Web Marketing Consultant | Inbound and Outbound

Web marketing

Web Marketing Consultant | Inbound and Outbound

Inbound and Outbound Web Marketing Consultant

Web marketing represents all the techniques, strategies and advertising levers to generate more traffic, notoriety, leads and sales on a website. As a webmarketing consultant, creativity and experience are valuable assets for the success of acquisition campaigns.

However, it can be simplified into two main questions:

→ What levers to use? For what result?
→ How to use them well in order to have the best possible return?

We are a webmarketing expert in order to support and help our clients in your acquisition strategy.

What is the difference between inbound and outbound marketing?

The salesperson fetches the customer vs the customer fetches the salesperson. In outbound marketing, the salesperson prospects and approaches. Conversely in inbound marketing, the customer prospecting himself, until approaching the commercial.

Web marketing consultant: outbound marketing

Outbound webmarketing consists of reaching out to the prospect and creating a feeling of need for our offers and services via acquisition campaigns Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Google Shopping Ads, Display, Natives Ads, and other levers web marketing advertising.

Google Ads

Formerly Google Adwords, Google Ads allows you to position yourself on the keywords of your future customers by responding in a relevant way to their search intentions. It is divided into several levers: SEA, Shopping Ads, Youtube Ads and Display.

Google Ads will allow customers to find you.
Service offered: creation, implementation and optimization of campaigns, matrix, keywords, ads, extensions and tracking.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is one the most powerful social ads lever to reach an ultra-targeted affinity audience. The technical depth of its algorithm (machine learning) makes it possible to have very good returns on investment when the webmarketing strategy is coherent and the configuration mastered.

Facebook Ads will allow you to find customers.
Service offered: creation, implementation and optimization of campaigns, audiences, visuals, wording, call to action and tracking.

LinkedIn Ads

If there’s one thing Facebook Ads is missing, it’s professional targeting. LinkedIn Ads allows you to be ultra precise about the professional characteristics that you can target. It is formidable for the generation of Leads.
LinkedIn Ads will allow you to find qualified customers and leads.
Service offered: creation, implementation and optimization of campaigns, audiences, auction strategy, visuals, wordings, call to action and tracking.

Pinterest Ads

With more than 10 million active users in France and low advertising costs, Pinterest Ads has become a real competitor to Facebook Ads. This visual discovery engine will allow you to reach people who are already in a real purchase intention.

Pinterest Ads will allow you to find new customers who are ready to buy.
Service offered: creation, implementation and optimization of campaigns, setting up the Pinterest tag and tracking, audiences, budget allocation, settings and advertising.

Web marketing consultant: inbound marketing

Inbound web marketing

Inbound webmarketing makes it possible to bring the prospect to its website via a content strategy. We create value in order to lure the customer through natural referencing (SEO), social media content, emailing and nurturing, marketing automation, Google Analytics analysis with work on landing pages and other growth hacking techniques.

Webmarketing and tracking analytics

In the medium and long term, it is ineffective to carry out digital acquisition campaigns if you do not know how to measure their impact. We can combine this with Hotjar and Google Optimize to better understand the current performance of your web pages and optimize them to improve your conversion rate over the long term.
Service offered: Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager account creation, full tracking, education and training.

SEO – Natural referencing

The SEO optimization of your company’s website for search engines (search engine optimization) is essential to attract future customers for free by taking into account two aspects of web referencing: on-site and off-site.
Service offered: audit, internal networking, architecture, keywords, writing angle sheets, semantic cocoon, google my business and netlinking.

Social networks

How to set aside one of the first digital levers for discovering your brand with your future customers? Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are essential sources for working on your company’s visibility, reputation and converting your followers through a controlled communication strategy.
Service offered: creation of your social networks, content management, community management, DNA, strategic and algorithmic recommendations by network.

Growth hacking – Marketing automation

Growth hacking brings together all the techniques and tools aimed at rapid growth, by all possible means and as profitable as possible in time and money: “doing a lot with few means”.
Service offered: data scraping, email automation, customer journey, audience retention, CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization).

Photo credit: Tumisu via Pixabay

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