Meta business suite

Meta Business Suite: the complete guide

Meta business suite

Meta Business Suite: the complete guide

Meta Business Suite

Meta Business Suite is Meta’s free tool that allows businesses to manage all of their associated accounts.
Here is a guide to help you manage your Facebook, Messenger and Instagram accounts on the Meta Business Suite.

Meta wants to consolidate all creation tools on a single platform, which is why the firm is updating its Meta Business Suite to integrate Creator Studio tools. Impact: Meta begins to automatically switch users from Creator Studio to Meta Business Suite. Rest assured, this change is not irreversible because Meta indicates that it is possible to return to Creator Studio at any time if you do not like the new experience.

Find out below how to take advantage of Meta Business Suite to optimize the management of your Facebook, Messenger and Instagram accounts.

In 2019, Meta, formerly Facebook, launched Facebook News, a tab within its social network entirely dedicated to general and local news.

What is Meta Business Suite?

Meta Business Suite is Meta’s free tool that allows businesses to manage all their associated accounts: Facebook, Messenger and Instagram. Professionals can manage all their publications (organic or paid), interact with their audience and implement concrete actions to optimize the customer experience.

More concretely, with Meta Business Suite, you can:
  • Obtain a global view of the activities of your accounts,
  • Publish to your associated accounts on Facebook and Instagram,
  • Schedule posts or stories at times when the audience is active,
  • Manage your Facebook, Messenger and Instagram messages and comments,
  • Create automatic replies to reply to private messages,
  • Follow the statistics of your publications and your audience,
  • Create targeted advertisements,
  • Use various tools: On desktop, you can use Ads Manager, Sales Manager, and access professional settings.

Access the list of Meta Business Suite tools

To easily access the desired functionality on Meta Business Suite, you can hover your mouse over the left pane which will expand to reveal the options. You will find the All tools section.

You have access to all the functionalities classified by category:
  • Creation: publication, story, launch of a live…
  • Audience: agenda, content, business feed, messaging, etc.
  • Management: Page settings, billing, etc.
  • Ads: forms, ad and event manager…
  • Analysis and report: statistics, advertising reports…
  • Sales of products and services: orders, monetization, appointments, etc.

Schedule posts and stories at optimal times

On Meta Business Suite, you can schedule your Facebook and Instagram posts at times when your audience is most likely to interact:

  • Click on Content in the pane on the left of the screen,
  • At the very top right, click on Create a publication,
  • Choose your account, then create your publication,
  • At the bottom of the editor, click on Schedule,
  • You can choose the date and time, or click Optimal times to select the ideal time to reach your audience. Meta automatically suggests timeslots when your followers are most active.

Create A/B tests to test 2 variations of a post

In the Content tab, you will find the A/B Testing option. You can create up to 4 versions by changing text, images or links. Each version of the posts is shown to a group of followers for 30 minutes. Then Meta automatically selects the version with the most reactions.

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Get a quick overview of your latest posts

In the Content tab, you will find an interesting option: Wire and Grid (just below A/B Tests). It allows you to scroll through your latest publications and get a quick overview of statistics: people reached, interactions, and delivery score.

Effectively manage your Facebook and Instagram messengers

You can manage all private messages and comments from your Facebook, Messenger and Instagram accounts on the Meta Business Suite.

Go to the left pane of the screen, to the Messaging tab.

1. Assign a message to another collaborator

You have the option of assigning a message to another colleague who will be better placed to answer a question from a subscriber, for example. Under the name of the sender of the message, you will find the option Assign a conversation.

2. Add tags to messages to categorize them

To the right of the messaging interface, when you consult a message from a subscriber, you can add a label (new client, important, etc.) in order to classify the various messages received and thus find them more easily at any time in the Labels section (at the top of the pane with your messages).

3. Set up automatic replies

In the Messaging tab, click on Automatic replies at the top right of the screen, then Create an automation. You can choose from suggested post templates and customize them. This option allows you to create messages that are automatically sent when a customer requests you on Facebook Messenger or Instagram.

Follow the statistics on your publications and your audience

You will find many interesting insights to understand what types of content perform best with your audience on Facebook and Instagram. You can also monitor competing Facebook Pages.

Go to the left pane of the screen, to the Statistics tab.

Here are examples of key insights to discover on Meta Business Suite:
  • Audience: age, gender, location by city and country.
  • Benchmarking: tracking competing companies on Facebook.
  • Presentations: posts with the highest number of reactions or comments, post with the most visibility, etc.
  • Content: comprehensive statistics on all publications. You have the option to filter posts by type: Ads, Posts, or Stories.
  • Video: performance and audience for your video content.
  • In addition, Meta also offers to define objectives: to develop your reach or increase your number of followers. Depending on your objective, an action plan is proposed to you.

Create ads on Facebook

Do you want to increase the visibility of a publication? You can boost it on Meta Business Suite by creating a paid advertisement.

Go to the left pane of the screen, to the Advertisements tab. You will first need to define a goal, then select the publication you want to boost, and finally set your criteria (audience, budget, etc.).

Good to know: you can create A/B tests by creating two versions of posts to see which one performs best with your audience.

Switching from Meta Business Suite to Creator Studio

Not convinced by the Meta Business Suite? Want to get back to Creator Studio? Meta does not highlight this option at all but it is possible. On the desktop version, just click on Give a review at the very bottom left, and click on Switch to Creator Studio.

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Photo credit: Nokia621 via Wikimedia Commons

Photo description: entrance sign at Meta’s headquarters complex in Menlo Park, California.

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